Where is my learning gift? 💡🎁

Tyson Pham
2 min readMay 4, 2021

Beginning of 2021, I met Marion Köpsel, a German coach. Her coaching content and style resonates very much with me. She helped me to change the view on my life by asking a fundamental question to myself at any time, especially in difficult times:

“Where is my learning gift?”

The question behind that is, whether I am able to recognise what I can learn from a specific situation. The mindset for asking that question is that we are all in this life to learn and life is giving us the same situations again and again (as a gift!), until we take the learning out of it. Everything in life happen to us is meant to let us grow and thrive. We only have to acknowledge that and be grateful for that.

Here, I can refer to the story of Viktor E. Frankl, a Nazi death camp surviver and psychologist, who tells his experience in his remarkable book Man’s Search For Meaning. His message is powerful: You have always the choice, no matter how less control you might have over a situation (like in a death camp). What do you learn from that?

Life gives you in any second opportunities to learn. Life is never against you, but for you. In ‘good’ and ‘bad’ times. We have to identify the gift, which is in it. Life keeps giving you the same gifts, until we accept it and take care of it.

Let’s frame it differently!

What is the advantage for me of a certain situation in life? 🍀

Maybe, something is not how I perceive it currently. I have to look behind it or between it or through it.

This really changed my view on life. This really helped me to calm down and stop building up stress. I became an explorer of my life and accept everything what is coming.

Next time, if you are in a ‘bad’ situation, remind yourself of the two questions above and just have fun figuring out, what the gift to you is.🎁📈

Check out Marion’s website (it’s in German).

Approach me, if you want to talk me about this topic. 🧘🏻‍♂️



Tyson Pham

Throughout my journey I learned from many people. Now, I am creating content to give back. On YT, IG and Medium about Entrepreneurship and Personal Growth.